Corneal cross-linking

What is keratoconus?

In keratoconus, the cornea becomes thinner and starts to bulge to form a cone shape. Changes in corneal curvature progress and cause gradual deterioration of vision unless suitable treatment is applied.

The patient usually complains of deteriorated visual acuity, image blurring or glare around sources of light. This condition is often the reason of failure by the ophthalmologist or optometrist to correct the patient’s refractive error with glasses; it is extended diagnostic investigation (corneal topography) that makes it possible to ultimately diagnose the problem.

Corneal cross-linking

Corneal cross-linking is a minimally invasive procedure designed to stop keratoconus from progressing. During the procedure, topical riboflavin is administered and UVA light is applied to the cornea. This results in the formation of collagen cross-links leading to a stronger and stiffer cornea that is less prone to deformation.


  • stopping corneal surface damage, sometimes also causing the disease to regress
  • improved vision (including in poor light)
  • elimination of polyopia (seeing multiple images of one object)
  • reduction of problems associated with light sensitivity
  • possibility to perform the procedure multiple times
  • quick recovery and return to the usual lifestyle

Indications and contraindications

  • progressive keratoconus
  • early stage of the disease (the best results of riboflavin cross-linking are achieved when corneal collagen is not completely damaged yet)
  • insufficient corneal thickness
  • compromised corneal healing
  • corneal herpes infection
  • pregnancy
  • chronic anti-inflammatory treatment
  • active eye infection
  • severe general condition of the patient

Before the procedure

  • You should remove your contact lens (including hard contact lens) 2-3 weeks before the procedure.
  • You cannot have a cold or be on treatment for inflammatory conditions on the day of the procedure.

Corneal cross-linking is performed in individuals with Amsler stage 1-3 keratoconus. Your eligibility for the procedure will be determined by the attending doctor. Corneal cross-linking is a relatively quick, minimally invasive and safe procedure with lasting effects; however, you will need to wait up to 6 months for the ultimate effect.

The procedure

The procedure is performed under topical eye drop anaesthesia. Before applying UVA light, the doctor removes the top layer of the epithelium, although it is also possible to perform the procedure without epithelium removal. After the procedure a protective lens will be applied. A follow-up visit will be scheduled for 3-5 days after the procedure, during which the doctor will remove the protective lens.

The procedure takes about 60 minutes.


Arrange to be driven home after surgery and to your first follow-up visit. Your vision may be blurred after the procedure. Even if you do not drive anyway and normally use public transport, make sure someone drives you home after the operation!

After the procedure

  • Use eye drops exactly as instructed by your doctor.
  • Do not remove the protective lens until the first follow-up visit and make sure it does not become contaminated.
  • Avoid putting on eye make-up at least until the first follow-up visit.
  • Use sunglasses with an appropriate UVA/UVB filter.
  • Avoid excessive physical exertion.
  • Do not wear soft or hard contact lenses.

On the first day after the procedure, you may feel slight pain in your eye and be oversensitive to light, but these symptoms are temporary.

Peschke device: advantages

  • eyetracking system
  • short irradiation times (9 minutes)
  • possibility to perform the procedure without epithelium removal
  • the highest power with maximum safety


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Wielkopolskie Centrum Medyczne
Sp z o.o. S.K.A

st. Bolesława Krzywoustego 114
61-144 Poznań, POLAND

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