Fixed appliance

What does the term „fixed appliance” mean?

Fixed appliances are special devices that are composed of various hooks (braces and rings) fixed on the teeth using special kinds of glue. Because fixed appliances exert force on the teeth non-stop for the whole duration of treatment, their use makes it possible to achieve detailed treatment outcomes. According to treatment needs and esthetic requirements, various types of braces may be indicated:

  • Metal– cheaper, they make it possible to change the appearance by the use of colour elastic bands that are used to fix the archwire.
  • Esthetic – ceramic, they are tooth-coloured, i.e. they are less visible


How to care for teeth when wearing braces?

Maintaining appropriate oral hygiene while wearing braces is extremely important. It protects the teeth from caries formation and demineralisation, and may make the treatment shorter. A basic rule is to brush the teeth after each meal. It can be made easier by using special interdental toothbrushes that reach all spaces. Moreover, dental floss and antibacterial fluoride-containing mouthrinses should be used. Irrigator is a helpful device.

What does the term „retention” mean?

It is the last stage of orthodontic treatment performed after removing fixed appliances. It denotes stabilising corrected occlusion and new positioning of teeth. This stage is necessary because collagen fibres of the periodontal ligament –i.e. the tissue that holds the teeth in the bone – require 12 months to become stable after the appliance is removed.
retention appliances –i.e. retainers – can be removable (a transparent splint) or fixed (a thin wire glued to the internal Surface of front teeth). Duration time of retention depends on the Patient’s age, the severity of malocclusion, treatment method, maxillary and mandibular growth direction.

How to take care of retention appliance?

Adhere to the wearing time recommended by your orthodontist. Use toothbrush and toothpaste for cleaning, tepid (not hot) water. Keep it in a plastic container. If the retainer has become loose or does not fit, please contact the orthodontist as soon as possible. Do not try to repair the retainer on your own as it may influence the position of teeth negatively.

What does the term „stripping” mean?

It is a commonly accepted orthodontic treatment method which makes it able in some cases to avoid tooth extraction, to increase stability of the results, to correct the shape of teeth (in cases of triangular tooth crowns). The procedure involves grinding the proximal surfaces of teeth using special abrasive devices, strips or burs. It is painless and it finishes with polishing and local fluoridation.

Do I have to keep a special diet while wearing braces?

Hard foods (raw carrot, apples, baguettes, hard bread, candies), sticky foods (fudge, gummy bears, chewing gum), and sweet fizzy drinks are best avoided during treatment with a fixed appliance.

Do teeth hurt after a fixed appliance is put on the teeth?

The next day after fixed appliance is put on, slight discomfort may be felt by the patient. The teeth may be sensitive, particularly while chewing on hard foods. It is rarely necessary to take analgesics.

How long does it take to put on a fixed appliance?

The appointment usually takes 45-60 minutes.

Can I treat my teeth while wearing braces?

If there is a need for treatment, it can be performed. Depending on the location of the cavity, in some cases it may be necessary to remove the brace from the affected tooth and put a new one after caries is treated.

Does the appliance impair my speech?

Fixed braces glued on the internal surfaces of teeth do not influence speaking. Removable and fixed appliances put on the palatal surfaces may influence speech temporarily. We recommend that you read in order to get acquainted with the feeling.

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+48 61 62 33 495

Wielkopolskie Centrum Medyczne
Sp z o.o. S.K.A

st. Bolesława Krzywoustego 114
61-144 Poznań, POLAND

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Mon-Fri 8:00 – 20:00
Sat 8:00 – 16:00

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